Health, Safety, Regulatory and Environment

West Lake Energy’s goal is to have employees and contractors working on a West Lake site return home healthy and safe at the end of their day and to conduct our business such that we don’t negatively impact the health and safety of the general public or the environment.

To achieve our goals, we commit to:

  • Comply with all regulations, guidelines, best practices and standards;
  • Provide all required training and resources to implement this policy;
  • Require workers be competent, trained and supervised;
  • Respond promptly, responsibly and effectively to incidents & emergencies;
  • Continuously improve safety performance and systems; and
  • Support the choice of safety over operational results when in conflict.

Modern Slavery Report

Modern Slavery Report: 2023 Modern Slavery Report

Regulatory Reporting

Regulatory Reporting: 2023 ESTMA Report – West Lake

Regulatory Reporting: 2022 ESTMA Report – West Lake

Regulatory Reporting: 2021 ESTMA Report – West Lake

Regulatory Reporting: 2020 ESTMA Report – West Lake

Regulatory Reporting: 2019 ESTMA Report – West Lake

Regulatory Reporting: 2018 ESTMA Report – West Lake